衛生福利部國民健康署-宣導2021年世界無菸日主題「承諾戒菸(Commit to quit)」
World No Tobacco Day – 31 May 2021
2021 年 5 月 31 日 世界無菸日 世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)為促使大家注意菸品流行病學、可歸因於 菸之可預防疾病與死亡議題,於 1987 年創設世界無菸日(World No Tobacco Day)。第一個世 界無菸日定在 1988 年 4 月 7 日,自 1988 年起將世界無菸日訂於每年 5 月 31 日。 每一年的世界無菸日均會有一個中心主題,該主題即為當年關於菸草或拒菸活動中特別 值得關注之議題,包括使用菸品的健康風險、菸草公司的商業活動議題等。 2021 年的主題為「承諾戒菸(Commit to quit)」。
吸菸導致每年八百萬人死亡。吸菸者有較高的風險成為 COVID-19 的嚴重個案的證據引 起上百萬的吸菸者開始想戒菸。儘管戒菸具有挑戰性(尤其是在疫情導致社會與經濟壓力增加 時),但仍有極多的理由要戒菸。
戒菸的效益幾乎是立即性的:停止吸菸 20 分鐘,心跳就會下降復原;停止吸菸 12 小 時,血液中一氧化碳濃度就會降至正常值;停止吸菸 2 到 12 週,血液循環與肺部功能均會增 加;停止吸菸 1 到 9 個月,咳嗽跟急促呼吸情形症狀會顯著獲得改善;停止吸菸 5 到 15 年, 中風機率降低至與非吸菸者一樣;停止吸菸 10 年,肺癌死亡風險會較吸菸者降低 50%;停止 吸菸 15 年,罹患冠狀動脈心臟病風險無異於非吸菸者。假如這些好處還不夠,以下還有更多 戒菸的理由。
Tobacco causes 8 million deaths every year. When evidence was released this year that smokers were more likely to develop severe disease with COVID-19 compared to non-smokers, it triggered millions of smokers to want to quit tobacco. Quitting can be challenging, especially with the added social and economic stress that have come as a result of the pandemic, but there are a lot of reasons to quit.
The benefits of quitting tobacco are almost immediate. After just 20 minutes of quitting smoking, your heart rate drops. Within 12 hours, the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal. Within 2-12 weeks, your circulation improves and lung function increases. Within 1-9 months, coughing and shortness of breath decrease. Within 5-15 years, your stroke risk is reduced to that of a non-smoker. Within 10 years, your lung cancer death rate is about half that of a smoker. Within 15 years, your risk of heart disease is that of a non-smoker. If that’s not enough here are a few more reasons!